A Stone

I will always be here, a stone of the world,
but you will move on
as the wind moves on
as the seasons move on
as the stars and the night move on
and disperse into various
clouds and ideas and desires

and you will move on
as everyone does
as every child
moves from womb into world into death
and death into matter into fetus
and passion into boredom into despair
and into new embraces of arms between legs around waists

and you will sit for a while
and you will move
on but I
will always be here, a stone of the world.  

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Powerful. This reminds me of my walks in the Wissahickon. For years I’ve been going there to drop words and tears, and then somehow flowed into a new being which was only noticeable in my next visit. I’ll feel myself change, and would be grateful for the trees that remained the same all throughout. I also love this poem for creating both perspectives of change. From fetus to world to death, that can feel quite heavy and daunting to accept. But, from passion to boredom to despair into a new embrace, can highlight hope. There are the two sides of change, two ways of viewing it, and this is a great reminder of that.

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