Category: Existential Poetry

  • The Amber

    The Amber


    is captured in the yellow leaves of a tree becoming.

    is within

    life’s infinite unfolding,
    shifting, and morphing
    steams and food carts,
    car crashes and bomb blasts.


    in pretty girls and hopeful boys,
    on beetle shells and satellites;
    the leaves are overflowing

    with It.

    They are melting into stellar amber beads
    of seconds
    glimmering with the promise of our golden hours.

  • Right Now

    Right Now

    All you really have is this moment.

    The great and terrible tomorrows
    are phantoms.

    This here is truth, this poem,
    and your eyes scanning.

    Behind the mountains, within the clouds,
    between the alleys, beneath the clothes,
    there is nothing.

    Nothing is the only thing promised.

    If you love,
    love scorchingly.
    If you hate,
    hate like ice.

    It is better to feel
    the sting with achingly alive fingers.

    The realest thing is this poem
    and you,
    miracles of the senses.

  • Luna


    Before I die, I want
    to do this one tiny thing—Before

    I never again have the chance
    to dream—Before

    it’s over. Before this struggle ends—Before

    it stops,
    the carousel of life
    with its horses and noises
    and peoples and voices
    and dirt deep in pores
    and ashes scattered offshore—Before

    I know conclusion—before I don’t.
    Before blinking into a nothing sky
    I’d like

    this meager light of mine,
    the faintest thing in that sleepless solitary night,
    to burn completely and fully.

    Maybe like this, the lonely
    will have somewhere to rest their eyes,
    and the broken
    will have somewhere to hang their suffering.

  • Brilliant Night

    Brilliant Night

    There is a chill in the air
    as the unearthed night

    Crickets fill the empty space
    within my heart with prayers.

    I breath and exhale,

    then watch each hope melt
    into the unfolding blanket of suns.

    A human being’s sorrow is small,
    and the Cosmos is so bright.

    No man can fill its spaces with his darkness.
    The stars shine
